Posted:Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Massage Therapy Foundation Announces
2023 Student Case Report Contest Winners
(Evanston, Ill., March 26, 2024) The Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF) announces 2023 Case Report Contest awards/honorable mentions to the following case reports:
Gold Award
Massage Therapy for Ankle Mobility and Spasticity in an Adult with Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report, authored by Spencer Pon from MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;
Silver Award
Massage Therapy For A Voice Student With Behavioral Dysphonia When Singing: A Case Report, authored by Ralph Magliano from Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg, Penn.
Spencer Pon’s research focused on the effectiveness of massage therapy in increasing ankle mobility and decreasing spasticity in an adult with spastic cerebral palsy (CP). Individuals with spastic CP commonly experience challenges such as increased deep tendon reflexes, tremors, and muscular hypertonicity. Through five massage therapy treatments administered over six weeks, Pon saw significant improvements in ankle mobility and a decrease in spasticity, offering promising insights into the potential benefits of massage therapy for individuals with CP.
Ralph Magliano’s study addressed the critical need for effective treatment approaches for individuals with behavioral dysphonia, a condition characterized by muscle tension and misuse that disrupts vocal function. His research showed the positive effects of a massage protocol targeting the whole vocal anatomy on a singer with symptoms of behavioral dysphonia. Through targeted massage sessions, Magliano observed improvements in vocal loudness, breath flow, vocal stability, and postural alignment, highlighting the holistic benefits of massage therapy for voice-related conditions.
“We are proud to honor Spencer Pon and Ralph Magliano for their outstanding contributions to the field of massage therapy research,” said MTF President, Adrienne Asta. “Their case reports not only advance our understanding of the therapeutic benefits of massage but also underscore the profound impact they can have on individuals with diverse healthcare needs.”
MTF’s Student Case Report Contest provides students an opportunity to enhance professional development and research skills. Winners at the Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels receive cash prizes after their case report has been submitted to a peer-reviewed academic journal Open on an annual basis, the contest provides an opportunity for massage therapy students to learn how to deliver evidence-informed massage information to the public. Learn more here: Student Case Report Contest.
About the Massage Therapy Foundation
The MTF is a 501(c)3 public charity supporting scientific research, education, and community service for the massage therapy profession. The Foundation founded and publishes an open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal and provides educational resources for massage therapists, educators, and students. MTF, an independent organization, promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, resources, training, and services.
For more information contact:
Gini Ohlson, Executive Director, 847-905-1520, or Geri Ann Nelson, Program Manager, at or 847-905-1667,