GUYS. An award has finally come, just landed in my lap like NO BIG DEAL. Cuz I scored a primo spot on the official blog team for Polish Con, and I swear I must’ve voodoo’ed someone real good this time. This is big time stuff y’all! Someone out there appreciates this blog full of nonsense, and I’m having the BEST DAY OF ALL TIME EVER. First Spelling Bee Champion of 1987 and now this. Why I’m not married to Leonardo by now defies allll the comprehensions.
But then my blogger package showed up a few days ago and this best day just got best-i-er. Excuse me while I go cry over some nail polish. Brb.
How professional do I look right now? (VERY.) Now if we can get through this blog without me saying something stupid, that’d be a whoooole ‘nother thing (worth a Starbucks, at least). We’ll see though. I’m feeling quite proper at the moment, but as we’ve all come to discover, this ladylike behavior has one foot out the door at all times, always.
Okay, THE POINT. Polish Con is coming later this summer (all the deets at the bottom; again, PROFESSIONAL), and several makers have joined the Road to Polish Con series – 11 weeks of exclusive polishes leading up to the big day. This year, the RTPC bloggers are staggering posts throughout the series. Three bloggers are up for the full 11 weeks and the rest are taking on specific weeks. I’m on week 3, 6, 9 and 11 and I got some super awesome makers to work with. I feel a squeeee! coming on, but I’m trying to stay a lady. Superhuman effort, as you might imagine.
We are currently on Week 2, and while that is not my week, I was still able to swatch and blog for you on an “unofficial” basis. Karen with Lollipop Posse Lacquer sent me her contribution to the RTPC, and I’m not even joking: the Noodle Leg situation is at an all-time high. Check out this beauty!
DESCRIPTION: A teal-leaning green crelly loaded with red/green/gold shifting aurora pigment, various sizes of iridescent green and chameleon glitters, silver holographic micro shimmer and gold flakies
OPACITY: Two smooth and glorious coats plus glossy top coat
Y’all still upright? Just checking. Cuz this thing seriously gives me a bad case of the swoons. For one, it’s green. For two, there’s iridescence in it, and that stuff gets to me each and every dadgum time. But most importantly, Karen made it and everything Karen makes has me tossing in backups for my backups for my backups roughly a trillion times over. COMPLETELY NORMAL BEHAVIOR, in case you didn’t know.
If you’ve ever bought a Lollipop polish, you know Karen always has a cool inspiration behind every shade. This one was named for Puck (aka, Robin Goodfellow) of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Thou speak’st aright. I am that merry wanderer of the night!
And now, a macro EXTRAVAGANZA! You know, in case extra convincing is in order:
Seriously, I’m at a loss for words. Good thing we’re at the end of this thing, cuz a blog full of silence is not the most ideal.
TIME TO FOCUS! Var var important ordering deets:
Price: $11
Shipping: $3.50 for domestic or $11 international
Coupons: Use code LOOKDIANNA to receive a free goodie with your order cuz we love free things, oh yes we do!
Availability: Now thru Saturday, March 10 at 11:59pm EST only (are you properly panicked, cuz you should be)
Where to buy: https://thepolishconvention.com or click here
If you plan to purchase several polishes from the Road to Polish Con series, you have the option to have all your orders held until the end of Week 11 so you won’t have to pay shipping every week. Use code LOOKDIANNAHOLD to get your freebies plus remove shipping charges from each order, then at the conclusion of RTPC, you will receive an invoice of one bulk shipping charge. Your entire order will be sent once the invoice is paid. If you don’t care for freebies, code FREESHIPMENT will also remove shipping charges, but who’s doing that one? Only the crazy people.
And now, the linky loos! Connect with Polish Con:
Facebook Group – where sneak peeks, info and Crazy Nail Ladies reside
Okay gang, you know what to do. I blog, you buy. That’s how this thing works. I’ll be back this coming Friday with my official first RTPC week, so get excited; there’s more pretty stuffs ahead!
Later, loves!
➡➡ POLISH CON | June 16, 2018 | Crowne Plaza Hotel | White Plains, NY ⬅⬅
Tickets on sale April 7, 2018