If we’re being honest, many of us have likely skipped a few sunscreen applications here or there, and we may be starting to see some hyperpigmentation or fine lines peeking through. The fall and winter months are the perfect time to combat those skincare woes with professional chemical peels and services. Let us explain why!
A professional chemical peel is designed to remove the top layers of your skin to allow it to grow back smoother. This can help slow the formation of fine lines and sunspots, but it’s important to avoid direct sunlight after each treatment. With less direct sunlight exposure, it can be an ideal time to get a chemical peel, but as always, never skip sun protection, especially on freshly treated skin.
PRO Tip: Make sure you work with a professional to schedule peels and treatments based on your own skin’s needs and your lifestyle. Remember, achieving the perfect skincare and treatment plan is like a marathon, not a sprint! It’s also important to remember that peels are not for everyone, so be sure to contact your local professional.